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I am an enthusiastic early career professional with primary interests in:


  • Remote sensing

  • Geographic information systems (GIS)

  • Wildlife conservation

  • Bioacoustics

  • Cartography


In my career, I am especially interested in the intersection between technology and wildlife conservation.


All birds captured and handled with proper permits. Picture courtesy of Kenzie Roeder from SHARP.



2019 - Present

University of Maine, Orono, ME

MSc: Ecology and Environmental Science

Thesis: Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles and Automated Detection Processes to Monitor Colonial Birds in Maine

2015 - 2018

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

BSc: Environmental Science and Policy, Marine & Coastal Management.

Minor: Meteorology

Summa cum laude

2019 - 2022

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Maine

Conducted research on colonial nesting birds in Maine through flying UAVs and developing automated detection algorithms.​

Jan 2019 - Aug 2019

Fisheries Biologist I

NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA

Analyzed acoustic data collected in Australian Marine Parks and worked collaboratively to assess vessel presence in protected areas.


Software: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Agisoft Metashape, ENVI, Google Earth Engine, Jupyter Notebook, Raven 2.0, RStudio, Program PRESENCE

Computer Languages: Python, R

Wildlife Skills: Mist netting and banding, bird identification, GPS, FAA Certified Drone Pilot

2023 - Present
Knauss Science Communication Fellow

NOAA Ocean Exploration

Communicate the value of NOAA ocean exploration efforts to the general public and technical audiences with interests in ocean discovery.​

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